by LSadmin | Sep 30, 2020 | Blog
Outdoor entertaining? Outdoor family time? Outdoor office? A special place I have enjoyed during these days of the coronavirus is the outdoors. I walk the dog. I hike. I have a porch and take advantage of it. I have Zoom meetings with people who are sitting on their...
by LSadmin | May 29, 2020 | Blog
by LSadmin | Nov 20, 2017 | Team
Karen Denham King, ESP, CRHS, RTS Karen has been professionally transforming spaces for more than seven years. She creates timeless and affordable designs that you’ll love for years to come. She earned her home staging Expert Psychological Stager certification (EPS)...
by LSadmin | Jun 6, 2019 | Blog
Living Spaces by Lyn was hired by an investor to help transform a wonderful little shotgun in the Butchertown section of Louisville. The house had been a basic, long-term rental property for many years. The investor wanted to transform it into a high-quality,...
by LSadmin | Jan 21, 2019 | Blog
Thanks to YOU! 2018 was a busy and exciting year for Living Spaces! 2018 was a busy and exciting year for Living Spaces. We’re growing so quickly! The results show that clearly. We’ve had to add two designers to help cover everything! Why is Living Spaces by Lyn so...